DARS Exception Course
Month: April 2018
CURRIC 240: Critical Aspects of Teaching, Schooling, and Education
DARS Exception Course
COUN PSY 300: Displacement, Resettlement, & Working with Refugee Families
DARS Exception Course
COUN PSY 230 : Race and the Developing Child
DARS Exception Course. Associated with the CLS FIG
COUN PSY 225 : Coming to Terms with Cultural Diversity: Invitation to Dialogue
DARS Exception Course
CHICLA 699: Directed Study
Credits for self- directed student learners conducting independent reading and research under the mentorship and guidance of a faculty member
CHICLA 530: Advanced Topics in Chican@ & Latin@ Studies: “Why be Xicana/o?”
Examines identity formation and associated processes for individuals and in society. Traces the history of ‘Spanish-Speaking,’ ‘Hispanic, Chicano, Latino, and Latinx and locate each in socio-political processes. Students will explore the future of identity, socially …
CHICLA 530: Advanced Topics in Chican@ & Latin@ Studies: “Ethnicity, Race, & Justice” (Crosslisted Sociology)
Explores the intersection of ethnicity, race, and justice including: 1) racial and ethnic relations in society 2) racial and ethnic differences in crime and violence, 3) racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system, …
CHICLA 469: Topics in Hispanic Cultures in the US (Cross Listed SPANISH)
Topic: Mexican Migration to the US. Explores topic from historical, cultural, political, literary & gender studies perspectives. Analyzes films, documentaries, testimonies, essays, novels, stories, & music in connection with theories of migration, transnationalism, & transculturation. …
CHICLA 347: Race, Ethnicity, and Media (Cross Listed: COM ARTS)
Introduction to the changing images of race and ethnicity in U.S. entertainment media and popular culture. Surveys history, key concepts and contemporary debates regarding mediated representation of ethnic minorities. Critical and cultural studies approaches are …