This course engages both historical and present-day debates surrounding immigration and crime. Emphases include: (1) theories of migration and criminal behavior; (2) the motivation for, and effectiveness of, immigration enforcement; (3) the increasing use of …
Month: July 2018
CHICLA 530: Advanced Topics in Chican@ & Latin@ Studies: “Ethnicity, Race & Justice” (Cross Listed Sociology, Legal Studies)
This course explores the intersection of ethnicity, race, and justice including: 1) racial and ethnic relations in society 2) racial and ethnic differences in crime and violence, 3) racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal …
CHICLA 525 (Crosslisted Counseling Psychology): Dimensions of Latinx Mental Health
This service-learning course trains students who aspire to one of the helping, health, or mental health professions and who currently work or who plan to serve Latin@ populations. The course provides important frameworks for working …
CHICLA 355 : Labor in the Americas: The U.S. & Mexico in Comparative & Historical Perspective, A Critical Survey (Crosslisted LACIS, History, Political Science)
Critically examines the history of labor and working people in the Americas, from the colonial era to the present, focusing on the experience of the United States and Mexico, offering a comparative perspective on their …
CHICLA 330: Topics in Chican@/Latin@ Studies: “Chicana Feminisms”
Examines major concerns in Chicana Studies including the social construction of social relations, the intersection of gender with other identities, cultural mestizaje, and sexuality. Analyzes issues of concern among Chicanas and within Chicana studies including …
CHICLA 330: Topics in Chican@/Latin@ Studies: “Whiteness& Racial Formation in the U.S.”
Explores the social construction of Whiteness in the U.S. from its origin in colonization to the contemporary period. A major focus of the class will be tracing the evolution of race, and through the lens …
CHICLA 231: Politics in Multi-cultural Societies (Crosslisted Political Science)
Examines Race, ethnicity, and religion as political factors; cultural pluralism, politics, and policy in the United States and selected other multi-cultural politics.
CHICLA 201: Introduction to Chican@/Latin@ Studies
Introduces students to various interdisciplinary and transnational literatures on the study of Chican@s & Latin@s in the U.S. Offers a survey of scholarly literature, paradigms, theories, and debates within the field pertaining to the historical, …
CHICLA 201 : Introduction to Chican@/ Latin@ Studies
Introduction to the interdisciplinary study of Chicanas/os in the United States. Students will become acquainted with recent scholarly literature, paradigms, theories, and debates within Chicana/o studies pertaining to the historical, economic, cultural, and sociopolitical dimensions …