Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Fall 2020 Alternative Recognition Ceremony

Introduction and Welcome/
Introducción y bienvenida:
Armando Ibarra, Director, CLS Program

Keynote Address:
Professor Edna Ledesma (Planning and Landscape Architecture)

Congratulations, Thanks,
Closing Statement:
Rachelle Eilers, CLS Advisor

Estefany Armenta Gonzalez
Estefany Armenta Gonzalez, B.S., Elementary Education
Mary Blando
Mary Blando, B.S., Human Development & Family Studies
Xiomara Castañeda-Cerda
Xiomara Castañeda-Cerda, B.S., Communication Arts
Michelle Concepción
Michelle Concepción, B.S., Education Studies
Karen Huerta
Karen Huerta, B.S., Biochemistry
María Muñoz-Sánchez
María Muñoz-Sánchez, B.S., Astronomy Physics

Words cannot capture how proud we are of the CLS class of 2020.

For years you worked hard.  You studied.  You sacrificed.  You saw yourself grow and discover. You were ready to finish, and then an unforseen pandemic turned your final semester upside-down.  Still you pushed on through it all and here we are! We can’t be together face-to-face, but we know you’ll take a piece of your Wisconsin experience with you wherever you go. The CLS Program is glad to have been part of that experience for so many of you.  Here on this page are a few words about the Class of 2020 from our faculty and staff, plus testimonials from our fantastic students.  On Wisconsin!  ¡Adelante!