Memoriam for Faculty ~ Camille Guérin-Gonzales

Professor Camille Guérin-Gonzales

Professor Camille Guérin-Gonzales, one of our esteemed CLS faculty members, passed away Tuesday, 24 February 2015. Professor Camille Guérin-Gonzales was instrumental to the development of our CLS program, creating spaces and places of transformative learning through her generous mentorship and championing social justice through example. Under her leadership as CLS Director, she had many major accomplishments including increasing the number of CLS faculty and course offerings, creating an official CLS student organization, and developing the newsletter and journal for the program. She was for many a role model and mentor as she pursued her work on labor and immigration history with great passion, gave selflessly to her students and the CLS community, and fought tirelessly for equality and justice at the local, university, and national levels.

In remembering and honoring Professor Guérin-Gonzales and her far-reaching influence throughout her academic career and life, please click here to read her obituary as well as her biography from the CLS Spring 2014 graduation when she provided the keynote for the event.