Student Resources

CLS Library


Student in CLS LibraryOrganized in 2005, The Chican@ and Latin@ Studies Program library offers materials related to Chican@ and Latin@ Studies. Our collection includes an ever-expanding number of books and movies.  A collection of MCAT preparation materials belonging to the P.A.L.M.A. organization is also available for checkout in the Library.

Fall hours:  8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Location: 313 Ingraham Hall


A printer, and small reading area is available for CLS students in the library.  PC Laptop computers are available for checkout. A copy center is located across the street in the Social Sciences Building.


Books may be checked out for 1 week by undergraduates, and for the semester by faculty and graduate students. DVD videos may be checked out for 1 week by faculty or 2 days by students. Patrons may return CLS library books to any UW Libraries drop-off location.  Videos should be returned directly to the CLS Library.

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Movie List

Note: Some of the films in the CLS Library are also available in streaming format to patrons with UW NetID through the PBS Video, Academic Video Online, and Kanopy databases.  Need an introduction to the UW-Madison Libraries?  Check out the online orientation page to get started.

Dolores Huerta and César Chávez Community Room ~ CLS Academic Resource Center (ARC)

Dancing in the ARCThe ARC is a colorful place where you can relax, do homework, or simply gather to build an academic community with other CLS students. The lounge offers access to desktop computers with internet access, printing, a scanner, and snacks.  An academic community and connection awaits you! The murals on the walls of the ARC were painted in 2000 by students under the guidance of artist Deborah Kuetzpal Vasquez with assistance from Malaquias Montoya.  Vasquez received her MFA from the University of Wisconsin that same year and served as a lecturer for the CLS Program.  She is now an Associate Professor of Visual Art at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas.

Hours: Open to the public while classes are in session. Closed during interim.

Location: 338W Ingraham Hall