Victor Goldgel-Carballo

Position title: Professor of Spanish and Portuguese


Website: Victor Goldgel-Carballo's website

Victor Goldgel-Carballo headshot

Víctor Goldgel-Carballo is a scholar and a novelist with a particular interest in Spanish America, the Caribbean, and the 19th century. His research and teaching focus on race and ethnicity in a comparative frame, media history, aesthetics, visual culture, and modernism/modernity. He is the author of Cuando lo nuevo conquistó América. Prensa, moda y literatura en el siglo XIX (When the New Conquered the Americas: The Press, Fashion, and Literature in the Nineteenth Century, Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2013), which won prizes from the Latin American Studies Association and Casa de las Américas. Additional publications engage with a wide range of topics, including slave narratives, the art of making do, snobbery, and spectrality. He is the editor, with Juan Poblete, of Piracy and Intellectual Property in Latin America (Routledge, 2020) and, with Daylet Domínguez, of the special issue “Slavery, Mobility and Networks in Nineteenth-Century Cuba” (Atlantic Studies, 2021). He is currently completing a book manuscript entitled “Racial Doubt: Open Secrets, Fiction, and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Cuba,” recently supported by an ACLS Frederick Burkhardt fellowship at the National Humanities Center.