Aurora Santiago-Ortiz
Position title: Assistant Professor, Gender & Women's Studies and Chican@ & Latin@ Studies
Website: Aurora Santiago-Ortiz's website
Aurora Santiago Ortiz is an Assistant Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Chicane/Latine Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research focuses on antiracist feminisms, decolonial perspectives, and participatory action research.
Her work has been published in the Michigan Journal for Community Service Learning, the Italian Journal of Urban Studies, Curriculum Inquiry, the International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Centro Journal, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and in Chicana/Latina Studies Journal. She has also contributed to Society and Space, NACLA, The Abusable Past blog of the Radical History Review, Caliban’s Readings (The Caribbean Philosophical Association’s Blog), Electric Marronage, Open Democracy, and Zora magazine. She is also a co-founder of the community organization Colectivo Casco Urbano de Cayey (2020-2022).
Santiago Ortiz is currently working on a book project titled Circuits of Self-Determination: Mapping Solidarities and Infrastructures of Resistance in Twenty-First Century Puerto Rico, which focuses on anticolonial, feminist, and antiracist organizing in Puerto Rico.
2021 Ph.D. in Social Justice Education at the University of Massachusetts. Amherst,
Massachusetts. Advisor: Ximena Zúñiga.
2021 Certificate in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino/a Studies. University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
2011 Juris Doctor. University of Puerto Rico Law School, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.
2010 Certificate in International and European Legal Studies. University of Antwerp,
Antwerp, Belgium. Cum Laude.
2004 B.F.A., Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and Television. New York University, New
Refereed Articles
2023 Santiago Ortiz, Aurora. 2023. “Our Action Plan was Completely Changed”: Adapting, Surviving, and Collaborating Through Participatory Action Research During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Anthropology & Education Quarterly 00(0): 1–13. Online version.
2023 “Deconstruimos la educación patriarcal desde el lente feminista”: construyendo una educación liberadora en clave antirracista, feminista y decolonial.” Centro Journal 35(2), 203-225.
2023 Espinoza Vázquez, Fátima K. and Aurora Santiago Ortiz. 2023. “Combining Intergroup
Dialogue and Sociotechnical Infrastructure Design: Addressing Social and Technical Determinants of Health Information Disparities with the Latinx Community.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22: 1-17.
2022 Santiago Ortiz, Aurora, Antonio Navarro Pérez, Paulette Agosto Ortiz, Coralis Cruz
González, and Michelle Román Oyola, Michelle. 2022. “‘La solidaridad no perece’: Community Organizing, Political Agency, and Mutual Aid in Puerto Rico. Curriculum Inquiry, 52(3): 337-350.
2021 “Testimonio as stitch work: Undoing coloniality through autoethnography in Puerto Rico.” Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social, 20(2), 122-148.
2020 “Mapping Collaboration as Resistance to Neoliberalism: A Case Study of Participatory Action Research in Puerto Rico.” Tracce Urbane: Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare di Studi Urbani, 8(2), 270-289. DOI: 10.13133/2532-6562_4.8.17220.
2019 “From critical to decolonizing service-learning: Limits and possibilities of social justice-based approaches to community service-learning.” Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning, 25(1), 43-54.
Other Academic Publications
2019 (with Jorell Meléndez-Badillo). Primavera de verano: The radical geographies of Puerto Rico’s 2019 Summer Insurrection.” Society and Space Journal.
2019 (with Jorell Meléndez-Badillo). “Puerto Rico’s Multiple Solidarities: Emergent Landscapes and the Geographies of Protest,” The Abusable Past by Radical History Review, (July 22, 2019).
Book Chapters
2020 Santiago-Ortiz, A. (2020). “Apuntes sobre la charterización de las escuelas públicas en Puerto Rico.” In C. Rodríguez Martínez, F. Saforcada & J Campos-Martínez (Eds.), Políticas educativas y justicia social: Entre lo global y lo local (pp. 67-79). Madrid: Ediciones Morata S.L.
Public Scholarship
2021 “Where is the State of Emergency?” NACLA Report (June 1, 2021).
2021 “Repairing la memoria rota: Feminist Oral Histories as Critical Memory Recuperation and Resistance,” Electric Marronage (May 10, 2021):
2020 “La Colectiva Feminista en Construcción are Leading the Puerto Rican Resistance,” Open Democracy, (January 14, 2020): construccion-are-leading-the-puerto-rican- resistance/?fbclid=IwAR24ipb82QD92XSij27F8nsXZjEX11FVRAuGdlhnHxKuJszlI4p lx4a7fe8.
2019 “What Lorgia García Peña’s Tenure Denial Means for Other Latina Scholars,” Zora by Medium, (December 10, 2019): pe%C3%B1as-tenure-denial-means-for-other-latina-scholars-4e0537abd5e7.
2019 “La perspectiva e ideología de género,” El Vocero, (September 24, 2019): nero/article_a8893908-de72-11e9-a0ef-3bd5292d0c5b.html.
2019 “How Misogyny and #Telegramgate Led to the Protests in Puerto Rico,” Zora by Medium, (July 22, 2019): led-to-the-protests-in-puerto-rico-72ec58ebf557.\
Research/Publications in Progress
Forthcoming – “Colectiva Feminista en Construcción: Building a Transnational Intersectional Feminist
Pedagogy.” Meridians Journal.
Book chapters in process
– “Towards a Prefigurative Anticolonial Praxis in Puerto Rico: Forging An/Other World in
the Present.” Book chapter for Interrogating the Future of Puerto Rican Studies. Under
contract with Duke University Press.
Book projects
– Circuits of Self-Determination: Mapping Solidarities and Radical Political Pedagogies in
Puerto Rico. Book manuscript requested by Duke University Press.
– Interrogating the Future of Puerto Rican Studies: A reader. Co-edited volume with Jorell
Meléndez Badillo under contract with Duke University Press.