Jesus Salas Scholarship Competition Opens

The Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Program is pleased to announce the opening of the 2020 Jesus Salas Scholarship Competition.  Every Spring, we offer a $500 scholarship to an exceptional undergraduate enrolled in the Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Certificate who has both excelled academically and made outstanding service contributions to the Chican@ and Latin@ Community.  Applications are due April 1.  This year we are also delighted to thank Daniel Malacara, a UW-Madison alumnus and former Assistant Dean of UW Extension, for making a generous gift to the fund that supports the scholarship in honor of his grandparents Nicolás Malacara, Margarita Paz, Anselmo Mata and Margarita Gonzales and his parents, Ernesto Malacara and Margarita Mata.  Interested students may apply online for the Jesus Salas Scholarship through the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub.  For questions contact administrator Peter Haney at or (608) 263-4486.