The Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Program is delighted to thank Daniel Malacara, a UW-Madison alumnus and former Assistant Dean of UW Extension, for a generous gift to the fund that supports the Jesus Salas Academic Activist Scholarship, supplementing gifts provided by Regent Salas himself and generous alumni of our Program. Mr. Malacara made the donation in memory of his grandparents, Nicolás Malacara, Margarita Paz, Anselmo Mata and Margarita Gonzales, and his parents, Ernesto Malacara and Margarita Mata. “I make this donation and future donations to the Regent Jesus Salas Academic Activist Scholarship Fund in honor of Nicolás, Anselmo, Ernesto and the three Margaritas, “ Mr. Malacara told CLS staff. “If they had not struggled to achieve better lives for their children, I would not have been able to get the greatest public education Wisconsin has to offer. I am proud to be able to help others do the same through this scholarship. My parents and grandparents showed vision and courage in their lives. Today’s CLS students do too, so this is my way of recognizing and rewarding them.” Interested students may apply online for the Jesus Salas Scholarship through the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub. For questions contact administrator Peter Haney at or (608) 263-4486.