CLS Joins a New Effort to Document Latinx History in Wisconsin

The Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Program is proud to be the major UW-Madison partner for the Wisconsin Latinx History Collective, a new initiative involving the Wisconsin Historical Society and a growing group of academics and community researchers all over the state. Under the leadership of CLS Emerita Andrea-Teresa “Tess” Arenas, the group will to “retro-fit” the existing narrative of our state’s history with new information about people of Latin American descent over the coming five years through oral history interviews and collection of documents. Several CLS affiliate faculty and emeriti, including Theresa Delgadillo (English), Jim Escalante (Emeritus, Art), Armando Ibarra (School for Workers/CLS Director), Almita Miranda (Geography), Marla Ramírez Tahuado (History), Diego Román (Curriculum and Instruction), and Carolina Sarmiento (Civil Society & Community Studies) are involved with the effort. Two professors not currently affiliated with the Program are also involved: Pernille Ipsen (History) and Janean Dilworth-Bart (Human Ecology) are also involved, along with History doctoral student Dustin Cohen and numerous undergraduate researchers. Areas of interest may include labor, migration, citizenship, families and genealogy, gender and sexuality, neighborhood formation, religion, political organizing, relations with law enforcement, health, agriculture, industry, business, culture, and the arts.

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