CLS faculty members Revel Sims (Planning & Landscape Architecture/CLS), Carolina Sarmiento (Civil Society & Community Studies), and Armando Ibarra (School for Workers/CLS) have received a grant from the University for a participatory action research project …
Armando Ibarra
CLS Director Ibarra Contributes to COVID Worker Safety Report
CLS Director Armando Ibarra is among the authors of a recent report from the UW-Madison School for Workers on workplace safety in Wisconsin during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In the United States, COVID-19 has devastated …
CLS Joins a New Effort to Document Latinx History in Wisconsin
The Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Program is proud to be the major UW-Madison partner for the Wisconsin Latinx History Collective, a new initiative involving the Wisconsin Historical Society and a growing group of academics and …
CLS Director Armando Ibarra on the “Latino” Vote
In the aftermath of the 2020 election, the mainstream press has struggled to understand the voting behavior of U.S. communities of Latin American descent. In a recent op-ed for The Progressive, CLS Director Armando Ibarra …
“Daily Cardinal” Profiles the CLS Program
Reporter Alejandra Canales of the Daily Cardinal spoke to CLS faculty and alumni recently. Her welcome and thoughtful story on the Program, its history, and its roots in student struggles from the 1960s to the …
Armando Ibarra’s “Latino Question” wins 2019 “Best Book in Latino Politics”
The Latino Caucus of the American Political Science Association has chosen CLS Director Armando Ibarra’s co-authored book The Latino Question: Politics, Laboring Classes, and the Next Left for the 2019 Best Book in Latino Politics Award. …